Alarme Phone Sahara at the Camp

Solidarity against the EU border regime in Sahara

Moctar Dan Yayé & Azizou Chehou (Niger / Alarme Phone Sahara)
Rubi & Lolo (Watch the Med Alarmphone)

The borders that European states erect against migrants and refugees no longer run only along the EU‘s external borders, but far beyond, including through many countries on the African continent. This repressive border regime creates life-threatening conditions and causes people to die not only in the Mediterranean and the Atlantic, but also on the travel routes through the Sahel states and North Africa. It leads to brutal mass deportations between African states and the internment of migrants and refugees in torture camps in Libya. Circular migration, which has historically existed for a long time, especially in and between West and North Africa, is thus increasingly restricted. This EU-imposed policy in the colonial tradition is destroying economic livelihoods and the lives of people from diverse regions.

The Alarme Phone Sahara (APS) opposes this brutal EU border regime in Agadez and other places in the north of Niger with an intervention in solidarity. APS will report on the background and current developments in Niger regarding the repressive migration policy and their daily work.

From the perspective of the Mediterranean routes, the guests of Watch the Med Alarmphone will speak about the current conditions of flight in the context of militarisation, migration defence and being left to die at sea, and about the necessity of transnational networks as resistance from below – along the demands of „Freedom of movement and equal rights for all“.

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