Here is an update with more recent information
Dear friends, accomplices and solidary humans,
As you know the G7 summit will take place in Elmau (Bavaria) again – just like it did 7 years ago. And just like 7 years ago, we (see below) are organising a G7-Mobilisation-Tour in socalled Germany.
For the duration of this tour, activists from the Global South will speak of their struggles – struggles that (almost) always are directed at multinational corporations or neocolonial politics of the bad governments.
7 years ago, they already spoke. In June 2022, they will speak again: because their situations have not changed or they have worsened. For example, at the time, Berta Zúniga shared about her struggle against the reservoir dam Agua Zarca in Honduras; not only does her struggle against this project continue today, but she is also fighting against the impunity of the murder of her mother. Berta Cáceres was murdered on the 2nd of March 2016. Back then, Magdiel Sánchez also spoke of the consequences of free trade in México, which worsened under the socalled leftist government of AMLO (Andrés Manuel López Obrador).
The subjects of this mobilisation tour are not to revolve only around the adverse winds these activist experience. They are to report of the numerous alternatives they create. Together, we will reflect on how we can overcome this destructive system, for which Global North bears the blame, and we will dream, visualize and imagine and then put into practice a more just world. In this sense, it holds true to cultivate our capacities of Listening and Learning.
Concretely: The trip will start on 6.06.2022 and we want to be out and about until the start of the G7 Protestcamp in Garmisch-Partenkirchen on 25.06.2022. From the 25.06. to the 29.06. we will be at the protest camp with the caravan, where we’ll curate a program-tent with internationalist topics. The entire duration of the tour will be from the 6.06.22 to the 29.06.22.
We have invited Silay Ghaffar (Solidarity Party Afghanistan), Magdiel Sánchez (México), Bettina Crúz (CNI – Congreso nacional indígena, México) Berta (Bertita) Suniga (Honduras). We have asked the teachers’ and sugar worker’ movement in Iran to send a delegate. We are in contact with Sudanese activists in the refugees’ organization. We are in dialog with the European organization of the Kurdish freedom movement. We are continuously striving for communication with folks from Somalia, India or the Balochi diaspora in “Germany”.
The subjects the activists will bring with them are, a.o.: greenwashing in energy politics, free trade, agriculture and nutrition/food sovereignty, flight and migration, and extractivism. Subjects such as militarization and rearmament, megaprojects and neocolonialism, as well as climate politics and geostrategies are at the top of list currently in Slumil K’ajxemk’op (untamed/resisting Europe).
For this project, we invite you – groups, collectives, networks – to speak out invitations to these activists. If you are interested in receiving these activists in your city or regions, this could mean that you plan events for exchanges, presentation, demonstrations, actions (let your creativity run free), as well as organize and finance accommodations and food. You can send your invitation to the following email address: karawane@stop-g7-elmau.info
What we need from you:
- Accommodation and food for ca. 12 persons (we hope to inform you of the exact number soon)
- A secure parking spot for our tour-mobile (circa 12 meters long)
- A space for events
- A technician (if you don’t have anyone, that’s okay too)
- 500€ for financing the tour (although this factor should not hinder your participation)
We believe that traveling – also at the example of the Zapatista delegation in autumn 2021 – carries big potential. This G7-mobilization-tour could connect groups in “german” geographies, whose focus is on internationalist work and could strengthen the alliances of struggles from the bottom and the left.
The G7-mobilisation-tour working group
For those who don’t remember or do not know what we are talking about: 2015 the BUKO, Öku-Büro and others organized a G7 mobilization tour. Currently “we” are people from the network of rebellion, from BUKO, from München International and the Kurt-Eisner-Verein.
The schedule of the tour will be published in the Events section.